Case Study
Letterkenny WwTW – Engine Overhaul
SITE | Letterkenny WwTW |
LOCATION | Co. Donegal, Ireland |
SECTOR | Wastewater |
MODEL | UPB 9408 |
RATING | 190kWe |

The Letterkenny Wastewater Treatment Works is an 80,000PE WwTW located in County Donegal in Ireland, as part of the infrastructure the site includes a Sludge Treatment Centre and digestor producing biogas.
The biogas created on site is used to fuel a 190kWe CHP Unit, that supplies both electricity and heat to the plant and digestor.
In accordance with the plants 20-year Preventative Maintenance Schedule (PMS) a full engine overhaul was required in line with the engine manufacturer’s recommendations.
As an approved supplier for the OEM in Ireland and the UK, PM POWER was awarded the contract to carry out the associated works.