Case Study
Belfast City Council
SITE | Duncrue Complex |
LOCATION | Belfast, N. Ireland |
SECTOR | Local Government |
MODEL | C150D5 |
RATING | 150kVA |

Belfast City Council is the local authority with responsibility for part of Belfast, the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland.
The council serves an estimated population of 341,877, the largest of any district council in Northern Ireland and is the primary council of the Belfast Metropolitan Area.
As part of the planned upgrade work at Belfast City Council’s – Duncrue Complex to enhance the emergency power resilience of the sites computer suite, PM POWER was awarded the contract to de-commission and remove the existing generator and replace it with a new generating set and digital control system.
The supplied generator was a CUMMINS C150D5, giving a standby rating of 150kVA, with the upgrade also including the design, installation and commissioning of a new Deep Sea Electronics (DSE) – Automatic Mains Failure (AMF) Controller.
The new control system automatically transfers the site load from mains to generator during a mains failure, as well as re-instating the mains supply once it returns and is stable.